Last Sunday, October 21, Most Worshipful Brother Stuart A. Wright was installed as grand master of Masons in California. We look forward to a year of growth and prosperity under his leadership, inspired by his theme: “Freemasonry… the difference is you.”
Grand Master’s Biography
A third-generation Freemason, Most Worshipful Brother Stuart Alexander Wright was raised a Master Mason in Henry Know-Westlake Lodge No. 392 (now Wisdom Lodge No. 202) on October 22, 1986. He served as master of the lodge in 1990 and in 1998 was presented with the Hiram Award.
Brother Wright has served the Grand Lodge of California in several capacities over the last 25 years. He served on the Insurance Committee from 1990-2014 and was the chairman for a total of 10 years. In 2011, he was appointed to Masonic Homes of California Board of Trustees and elected vice president in 2014. Brother Wright served as grand sword bearer from 2004 to 2005 for Most Worshipful Brother David R. Doan. He has served on each of the constitutional boards.
In addition to his service to his lodge and our Grand Lodge, Brother Wright has been very active in the concordant and appendant bodies. In 1988, he joined Al Malaikah Shriners in Los Angeles, where he served as potentate in 2000. His service extended to the Imperial Shrine. He served on the Imperial Athletic Committee; as director general of the Imperial Shrine Convention, held in Anaheim, California in 2007; and as the chairman of the Board of Governors of the Shrine Hospital in Los Angeles for three years.
Brother Wright is a 33° inspector general honorary in the Pasadena Scottish Rite Bodies. He is a member of Signet Chapter No. 57, Royal Arch Masons; Omega Council No. 11, Cryptic Masons; and Los Angeles Commandery No. 9 Knights Templar. He also belongs to Dr. Rob Morris Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star; St. Gabriel Conclave, Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine; the National Sojourners; and the Heroes of ’76.
After a long career with the Insurance Company of North America, Brother Wright is the owner and president of Stuart A. Wright Associates Insurance Service. Brother Wright is an avid golfer and has enjoyed playing hockey for a number of years, including five years with the L.A. Senior Kings. He and his wife, Julie, live in Woodland Hills. They have five adult children and seven grandchildren.